(clj 3) Clojure’s ‘and’ and ‘or’ are weird (but not really)

Early in chapter 3 of the Brave and True-book the Boolean operators and and or are introduced:

Clojure uses the Boolean operators or and and. or returns either the first truthy value or the last value. and returns the first falsey value or, if no values are falsey, the last truthy value.

This explanation is followed by some examples:

(or false nil :large_I_mean_venti :why_cant_I_just_say_large)
; => :large_I_mean_venti

(or (= 0 1) (= "yes" "no"))
; => false

(or nil)
; => nil
(and :free_wifi :hot_coffee)
; => :hot_coffee

(and :feelin_super_cool nil false)
; => nil

What I found remarkable about this is that and and or do not return a boolean in all cases. Before I go into that, let’s back up a second and cover their basics in a little more depth first.

The basics of Clojure’s and and or

After reading the book’s explanation of and and ors behavarior, I played around with them a bit and also read their official documentation. That lead me to coming up with a description of their behavior that works better for me:

  • both and and or return the last value they evaluate;
  • or stops evaluating at the first truthy value it evaluates, since an or needs only one true value to evaluate to true;
  • and stops evaluating at the first falsy value it evaluates, since an and needs only one false value to evaluate to false.

In Clojure only false and nil are falsy, everything else is truthy. So that allows us to construct the following examples:

(and true true)        ; => true
(and true :tree)       ; => :tree
(and true false true)  ; => false
(and true nil true)    ; => nil
(or false true false)     ; => true
(or false :falcon false)  ; => :falcon
(or false false)          ; => false
(or false nil)            ; => nil

Finally, there’s (and) evaluating to true, while (or) evaluates to nil, which is mentioned in their respective doc pages. Not exactly sure why they do that, but who am I to disagree?

They don’t return only true or false

Since and and or are boolean operators, I figured they would always return either true or false. That is how you use them, right? Give them some expressions that evaluate either to true or false and then depending if you string them together with and or or, you get true or false back. And that turns out to not be the case: and and or return the result of their last evaluation. If that’s true, you get true back, but if it’s "tree" or :falcon, that’s what you get. So I started to think why these operators behaved that way.

A theoretical argument

Earlier in the Brave and True-book it explained that Clojure only has two types of things: literal representations of data structures (like numbers, maps, and vectors) and operations. With these two you create expressions (aka forms) and “Clojure evaluates every form to produce a value.”(p 91) Combine this with the basic idea of functional programming, i.e. functions as mathemetical functions, you expect functions - and that’s what the and and or operations are - to take input, transform it, and return the transformed input as their output.

Looking at it that way, in some intuitive conceptual way, it does make sense to me that and and or return the last form they evaluated instead of the last form they evaluated converted to either true or false. If you need that conversion, you can do that yourself. In a similar vein, Clojure’s println returns nil and the printing of the line is considered a side effect.

A practical argument

I’m ok with their being only a theoretical reason for this, keeping the language conceptually consistent. Yet I wondered if there was a practical usage for this behavior of and and or. A possible use I saw was that you could chain functions. For instance, with and the first function could either return a truthy value, making the and return that value; or that first function would return false or nil, meaning the second function would be evaluated. And so on, until either a function returns something truthy or you get a false or nil from the last one.

So I created a very simple example:

(defn mult2_if_int [input]
        (if (integer? input) true)  ; returns nil when the if-clause is false
        (* input 2)

(mult2_if_int 4)       ; => 8
(mult2_if_int "four")  ; => nil

However, you can get the same behvarior by using if and that does look more readable to me:

(defn mult3_if_int [input]
    (if (integer? input)
        (* input 3)

(mult3_if_int 4)       ; => 12
(mult3_if_int "four")  ; => nil

That wouldn’t work as well with multiple conditions, but a quick search showed me that’s what Clojure’s cond and case are for. So doing the same as above with cond, still with only one condition though:

(defn mult4_if_int [input]
        (integer? input) (* input 4)
    :else nil)
(mult4_if_int 2)      ; => 8
(mult4_if_int "two")  ; => nil

So for and I have trouble seeing a use case for this behavior. For or there is an example in the Clojure docs, using it to return a default value if the function returns nil:

(or (mult2_if_int 4) "that was not a number")       ; => 4
(or (mult2_if_int "four") "that was not a number")  ; => "that was not a number"

Surely Python does something different

The language I’m most familiar with and thus my language of reference, is Python. And throughout my exploration of Clojure’s and and or, I kept thinking that surely Python does this differently. That is, until I checked:

True and True            # => True
True and "tree"          # => 'tree'
True and False and True  # => False
True and None and True   # => None
False or True or False      # => True
False or "falcon" or False  # => 'falcon'
False or False              # => False
False or None               # => None

And in the revelant Python docs, which I must say are excellent as always, I found:

Note that neither and nor or restrict the value and type they return to False and True, but rather return the last evaluated argument. This is sometimes useful, e.g., if s is a string that should be replaced by a default value if it is empty, the expression s or 'foo' yields the desired value. Because not has to create a new value, it returns a boolean value regardless of the type of its argument (for example, not 'foo' produces False rather than ''.)

And this behavior of not is also present in Clojure:

(not "foo")  ; => false

So I suppose the conclusion is that even though it may feel a bit weird to have and and or not only returning true or false, Clojure is not any weirder in this respect than some other languages.

As a postscript to this post, I’ll share some smaller things I noticed and/or learned about Clojure and vim.

Notes on Clojure

In a previous post (clj 1) I wrote I have a vague notion of what a “form” is, but wouldn’t be able to explain it. Well, chapter 3 of the Brave and True-book explains that “form” refers to valid code and that it will sometimes use “expression” as a synonym. I had actually read this before writing that earlier blog post, so that shows the value of re-reading.

When I created a new clj-file to play around in with and and or and tried to evaluate a form, I got the following error:
FileNotFoundException Could not locate clojure_noob/namespace__init.class or clojure_noob/namespace.clj on classpath. Please check that namespaces with dashes use underscores in the Clojure file name. clojure.lang.RT.load (RT.java:456)
I fixed it by copy-pasting the namespace declaration of my core.clj file to the top of the new file: (ns clojure-noob.core (:gen-class)). I have no idea if that’s the proper way to use namespaces, but I’ll learn that in chapter 6 of the Brave and True-book.

It surprised me that after making changes to a function definition and using :Require or Require! to reload a namespace, I still first had to evaluate the function definition itself before I was able to use the updated version.

Reminder: function definitions go inside of a set of parantheses. Why? Everything is a list!

Notes on Vim

I switched to the gruvbox color scheme, since it provides higher contrast than minimalist.

It’s great to have my own cheatsheet to look things up.

If vim-fireplace can evaluate a form and add it to the buffer as a comment, I haven’t found out how. Might be non-trivial in Vim, because of Vim’s modes and command line.

I had to install vim-gtk3 to be able to copy from vim to my system’s clipboard.

Highlighting the line the cursor is in with set cursorline looks great, until it seems to introduce lag in vertical cursor movement.

Instead of looking up the Clojure docs on the internet, I should hit K. Thank you, vim-fireplace!

The parantheses help from vim-sexp is great, except when it isn’t. I still need to find the best way to add a matching paranthesis or bracket to an orphaned one. Perhaps delete orphan, then add the pair?

Notes on blogging

Writing these blog posts is slowing down my progress in the Brave and True-book significantly, but it is also forcing (encouraging?) me to engage deeper with Clojure. So for now, I’m seeing that as a good thing. Also, it can’t hurt to spend some extra time on the basics. I’ve heard too many experts say when asked how to become excellent at something: “basics, basics, basics”.