The Seven Basic Principles of the Context-Driven School - part not-three

This blog post should have been part three on the basic principles of context-driven testing. As you can see from the title, it is not. :-) The plan was to see if and to what degree the other schools of testing could accomodate the principles of the context-driven school - as a way of highlighting what makes the context-driven school different from the other schools. The problem is I’m not that interested in doing that at the moment, so the chance is small an interesting post would result from it. Perhaps another time.

I should probably also say something about Cem Kaner’s blog post in which he said he is no longer a member of the context-driven school: “If there ever was one context-driven school, there is not one now. Rather than calling it a “school”, I prefer to refer to a context-driven approach.”
I can be brief about that: to me the context-driven school is like an open source-project and apparently Cem Kaner decided he wanted to fork. In some ways that’s a shame, but I do understand his reasons. It’s just the way things go sometimes.

This post was originally published on my old blog.