My projects
FroGS conf
With some other fine people I organise the Friends of Good Software (FroGS) conference. It’s an open space conference focusing on quality and software.
Context of Agile
Context of Agile is a site where I collect resources to better understand the historical context of Agile.
Preact Counterstring
Preact Counterstring is an implementation of PerlClip‘s counterstring deployed to a static site. My goal with this project is to learn more about front-end development, using TypeScript and Preact. You can find my blog posts about this project via the “counterstring” tag and you can find the code on GitHub. There are still plenty of things to do before I’d consider it finished.
Learning Clojure
In April 2020 I decided I wanted to learn Clojure (because functional programming and Lisp) and write about the process. I’ve made an overview page of what I’ve written about this project.
Playdate Blackbox Puzzles
Inspired by workroomprds‘s Black Box Puzzles I’m building some of my own for the Playdate.
The four-hour tester
Helena Jeret-Mäe and I created the four-hour tester, five exercises teaching five basic testing skills in four hours.
Building an API testing framework
Full-day workshop in which you build an API testing framework from scratch using Python, pytest, and the requsts library. All materials can be found here. These also include examples of next steps and a single test implemented in using different Python libraries, such as tavern, robot and behave.
Pytest plugins
Pytest-instrument (PiPy, GitHub) is a plugin to instrument your tests, so you can have the raw event data of your tests in a file of json objects.
Pytest-logfest (PiPy, GitHub) is a plugin that provides three logger fixtures which can write all log records or only those of failed tests to file.
Session-tools (GitHub) is a small suite of note-taking tools for session-based test management (SBTM).